Dimaria Wins Deportation Case for Woman Convicted of Theft in the Amount of $225,000

C lient was involved in a conspiracy in which her husband was stealing items from a store that he worked for and selling them online. Since he was using Client’s computer, she was involved in the case. She was arrested along with seven other people, her husband being one of the people who were arrested. Client had received probation for the offense and agreed to pay restitution each month. Client was then placed into Deportation Proceedings.

DiMaria applied for bail for client and she was released from Immigration Custody. DiMaria fought the case for 5 years and was successful in winning client’s application to be able to keep her Green Card. Client’s spouse took full responsibility for the criminal action and that really helped client with her case.

Congratulations to Client who now has a new opportunity to remain in the United States, she got her second chance!!

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$385,000.00 For the Elderly Client Who Burned Herself At Home

Diana DiMaria, Esq. obtained a $385,000.00 settlement for an elderly client who suffered burn injuries as a result of the alleged negligence of her home health aide. The home health aide denied she was present when the client was burned and denied any liability whatsoever. The client passed away prior to the client’s testimony about the accident being taken (death was unrelated to this incident) and there were no other witnesses to the accident but Mrs. DiMaria presented compelling evidence to discredit the home health aide’s story and as a result was able to obtain the $385,000.00 settlement.

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