Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI) in New Jersey: A Second Chance

Many people facing criminal charges in New Jersey are unaware of the Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI) program, which can offer them a second chance. PTI is a diversionary program designed for first-time, non-violent offenders, allowing them to avoid the traditional criminal justice process. Participants in PTI can have their charges dismissed after completing a period of supervision, similar to probation, without admitting guilt. This program helps offenders avoid the long-term consequences of a criminal record, such as difficulties in securing employment or housing.

PTI is not automatically granted; eligibility is determined by factors like the nature of the offense, the defendant’s criminal history, and the likelihood of rehabilitation. The program typically lasts one to three years and may include community service, drug or alcohol treatment, and regular check-ins with a probation officer. Successful completion results in the dismissal of charges, while failure to comply with the program’s conditions could lead to the reinstatement of the original charges and trial.

The DiMaria Law Firm can help you navigate the PTI process, from determining your eligibility to advocating for your acceptance into the program. Attorney DiMaria will review the details of your case, present arguments in favor of diversion, and work with the prosecution to ensure you have the best chance of being admitted into PTI. If successful, PTI can help you avoid the damaging effects of a criminal conviction.

Our firm understands the importance of preserving your future and minimizing the impact of a criminal charge. With our guidance, you can pursue a path toward rehabilitation and a fresh start through the PTI program.

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