Dimaria Wins Case for Woman Stuck in Peru!!!!

C lient was represented by a Notario who filed a green card application and waiver for her. Client was told by the Notario that she had to go back to Peru for the Green Card interview and that she would come right back into the United States after she left. The problem was that the Notario told her to not tell the Immigration Officer that she had multiple entries into the United States as a minor when she was under 21 years old.

Client went to the interview and got caught in the lie. Had she told the truth she would have received the Green Card and came right back into the United States because the multiple entries into the United States as a minor do not impact her ability to get a Green Card. Lying about what happened now was a problem for her because as an adult she lied in order to get a Green Card.

Client’s family hired our office to do the Waiver. We had to establish that Client’s family would suffer extreme hardship if she were not allowed back into the United States. These waiver cases take a year to be completed at this time. DiMaria completed the waiver and sent an abundance of evidence to Immigration establishing how Client’s family would suffer if her case was not granted.

Immigration agreed with DiMaria and granted the Green Card!!!! Client is now back in the United States living with her Spouse and Children!!!!!

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$385,000.00 For the Elderly Client Who Burned Herself At Home

Diana DiMaria, Esq. obtained a $385,000.00 settlement for an elderly client who suffered burn injuries as a result of the alleged negligence of her home health aide. The home health aide denied she was present when the client was burned and denied any liability whatsoever. The client passed away prior to the client’s testimony about the accident being taken (death was unrelated to this incident) and there were no other witnesses to the accident but Mrs. DiMaria presented compelling evidence to discredit the home health aide’s story and as a result was able to obtain the $385,000.00 settlement.

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